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联系方式: wangqing@scau.edu.cn


     名:王庆                别:男           出生年月:1988.02

   历:研究生              位:理学博士                


 从事专业:水产养殖     研究方向:鱼类抗病机制及遗传育种




20177-201910月, 华南农业大学,讲师

201910-至今, 华南农业大学,副教授


本人于2012年考取中山大学生命科学学院生理学专业研究生,师从我国著名的鱼类生理学家林浩然院士,2017年获得理学博士学位,毕业进入华南农业大学海洋学院从事鱼类良种繁育和健康养殖科研和教学工作。2019年获得华南农业大学硕士研究生导师资格。本人恪守学术规范,严谨治学,刻苦钻研,紧随学科发展的前沿,在鱼类抗病机制及遗传育种相关研究方面开展了系统的工作。现已主持包括国家自然科学基金(2项),国家重点研发计划子课题在内的各类科研项目10余项,参与国家级项目5项,省部级项目3项。5年在PLoS PathogensJournal of VirologyChemosphereJournal of Hazardous MaterialsFish and Shellfish Immunology等国内外学术期刊上发表学术论文48篇,SCI收录41篇,其中第一作者或者通讯作者发表SCI论文20多篇,授权专利9项。







  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(42176103CXCR3.2介导巨噬细胞活化抵抗石斑鱼神经坏死病毒的作用研究2022.01-2025.1258万,在研,主持。

  2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(41806151Dmrt1通过Rec8调控斜带石斑鱼精子发生的作用和机制研究 2019.012021.1224万,结题,主持。

  3. 十四五国家重点研发计划(2022YFD2400502)抗病高产石斑鱼良种培育及产业化示范 2022.11- 2026.10, 24万,在研,主持。

  4. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目(2022A1515012505CXCR3.2抵抗石斑鱼神经坏死病毒的作用和机制研究 2022.01-2024.1210万,在研,主持。

  5. 广州市科技计划项目(202002030206)基于CRISPR/Cas13d系统的石斑鱼病毒性神经坏死病的治疗方法研究 2020.04-2023.0320万,在研,主持

  6. 河源市科特派服务三农项目(220327131673520)加州鲈高密度养殖与病害防控技术推广示范。2022.7.26-2023.7.273万,在研,主持。

  7. 广东省水生经济动物良种繁育重点实验室开放基金课题: Dmrt1调控 Rec8在斜带石斑鱼精子发生的作用及机制研究 2018.012019.125万,结题,主持。

  8. 华南农业大学青年科技人才项目:斜带石斑鱼Dmrt1靶基因及其转录调控途径研究 2018.012019.1220万,结题,主持。

  9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(3197210138) 芳香化酶转录因子foxl2/foxl3在斜带石斑鱼性别调控中的功能研究 2020.01-2023.1265.92万,在研,参与。

  10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31672631) leptin b 调控斜带石斑鱼卵母细胞成熟的功能和机制研究 2017.012020.1263万,在研,参与。

  11. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31572596) 新型促黄体素受体在斜带石斑鱼性反转中的功能研究 2016.01——2019.1276.8万, 在研,参与。

  12. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(31802307GPR120细胞信号通路在黄斑蓝子鱼HUFA合成调控中的作用及机制研究 2019.012021.12 26万,在研,参与。

  13. 湛江市海洋装备和海洋生物产业揭榜挂帅制人才团队项目(2021E05035)“石斑鱼种质创新与新品种培育”2022.01-2024.12,600万,在研,参与。




  14. Zhenzhen Xie, Dengdong Wang, Shoujia Jiang, Cheng Peng, Qing Wang, Chunren Huang, Shuisheng Li, Haoran Lin, Yong Zhang. Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly and Transcriptome Comparison Analysis of Cephalopholis sonnerati and Its Related Grouper Species. Biology (Basel). 2022,11(7):1053.


  15. Huitao Cheng, Yuantang Dai, Xinhe Ruan, Xuzhuo Duan, Chunli Zhang, Lihua Li, Fengqi Huang, Jinhong Shan, Kaishan Liang, Xianze Jia, Qing Wang#, Huihong Zhao#. Effects of nanoplastic exposure on the immunity and metabolism of red crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) based on high-throughput sequencing. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2022, 245:114114.


  16. Chen Xin xin, Qi Jianfei, He Libin, Luo Huiyu, Lin Jinbo, Qiu Fengyan, Wang Qing#, Zheng Leyun#. Isolation and identification of a new strain of nervous necrosis virus from the big-belly seahorse Hippocampus abdominalis. Virol J. 2022 Jun 27;19(1):109.


  17. Fengqi Huang, Jinhong Shan, Kaishan Liang, Min Yang, Xiaoming Zhou, Xuzhuo Duan, Xianze Jia, Huihong Zhao, Qiwei Qin, Qing Wang.A new method to detect red spotted grouper neuro necrosis virus (RGNNV) based on CRISPR/Cas13a. Aquaculture. 2022, 555, 738217.


  18. Duan Xuzhuo, Jia Xianze, Liang Kaishan, Huang Fengqi, Shan Jinhong, Chen Huitiao, Ruan Xinhe, Li Lihua, Zhao Huihong, Wang Qing. Liposome-Encapsulated Rec8 and Dmrt1 Plasmids Induce Red-Spotted Grouper (Epinephelus akaara) Testis Maturation. Marine Biotechnology. 2022, 18.


  19. Chen J, Wang L, Huang J, Li X, Guan L, Wang Q, Yang M, Qin Q. Functional analysis of a novel MHC-Iα genotype in orange-spotted grouper: Effects on Singapore grouper iridovirus (SGIV) replication and apoptosis. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2022. 121:487-497.


  20. Chen Yongzhi, Liu Yun, Wang Qing#, Ma Xilan#. Inhibition of RGNNV by dsRNA in the orange-spotted grouper. Aquaculture Reports. 2022. 23: 101035.


  21. Qing Wang, Fengqi Huang, Kaishan Liang, Wenbiao Niu, Xuzhuo Duan, Xianze Jia, Xuefeng Wu, Peng Xu, Lei Zhou. Polystyrene nanoplastics affect digestive function and growth in juvenile groupers.Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 808:152098 IF=10.753


  22. Zhou Lei; Huang Shihui; Wang Qing; Li Zhenhai; Li Zongyang; He Anyou; Chen Jiehu; Liu Li; Zou Keshu. Novel evolutionary insights into nemacheilid cavefish: evidence from comparative analysis of mitochondrial genomes. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,2021(接收)


  23. Qing Wang, Yun Liu, Chong Han, Min Yang, Fengqi Huang, Xuzhuo Duan, Shaowen Wang, Yepin Yu, Jiaxin Liu, Huirong Yang, Danqi Lu, Huihong Zhao, Yong Zhang, Qiwei Qin.Efficient RNA virus targeting via CRISPR-CasRx in fish. Journal of Virology. 2021, 95(19): e0046121.


  1. Qing Wang, Cheng Peng, Min Yang, Fengqi Huang, Xuzhuo Duan, Shaowen Wang, Huitao Cheng, Huirong Yang, Huihong Zhao, Qiwei Qin. Single-cell RNA-seq landscape midbrain cell responses to red spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus infection.PLoS Pathogens 2021, 17(6): e1009665


  1. Qing Wang, Xuzhuo Duan, Fengqi Huang, Huitao Cheng, Chunli Zhang, Lihua Li, Xinhe Ruan, Qi He, Huirong Yang, Wenbiao Niu, Qiwei Qin, Huihong Zhao.Polystyrene nanoplastics alter virus replication in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) spleen and brain tissues and spleen cells. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021, 416:125918


  1. Wang Qing, Huang Fengqi, Duan Xuzhuo, Cheng Huitao, Zhang Chunli, Li Llihua, Ruan Xinhe, He Qi, Niu Wenbiao, Yang Huirong, Lu Danqi, Zheng Leyun, Zhao Huihong. The ERβ-CXCL19/CXCR4-NFκB pathway is critical in mediating the E2-induced inflammation response in the orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides). Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2021, 212:105926.


  1. Qing Wang, Fangmei Lin, Qi He, Qifeng Huang, Xuzhuo Duan, Xiaochun Liu, Shiqiang Xiao, Huirong Yang, HuiHong Zhao.Cloning and characterization of rec8 gene in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) and Dmrt1 regulation of rec8 promoter activity. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 2021, 47(2):393-407. 


  2. Min Yang#, Qing Wang#, Jinpeng Chen, Yuxin Wang, Yong Zhang, Qiwei Qin. Identification of candidate SNPs and genes associated with anti-RGNNV using GWAS in the red-spotted grouper, Epinephelus akaara. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 2021,112: 31–37



  1. Fangmei Lin, Li Wang, Yanchuang Duan, Keqi Li, Jingxin Zhou, Zhi Guang, Yuxin Wang, Min Yang, Qiwei Qin, Qing Wang. Expression and subcellular analyses of CCR8a/b genes with the identification of response to SGIV viral infect in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides). Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 2020, 106:628-639.(通讯作者)


  2. Wang Yuxin, Yu Yepin, Wang Qing, Wei Shina, Wang Shaowen, Qin Qiwei, Yang Min. PPAR-δ of orange-spotted grouper exerts antiviral activity against fish virus and regulates interferon signaling and inflammatory factors. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2019, 94:38-49.





  3. Fangmei Lin, Feng Tong, Qi He, Shiqiang Xiao, Xiaochun Liu, Huirong Yang, Yin Guo, Qing Wang#, Huihong Zhao#.In vitro effects of androgen on testicular development by the AR-foxl3-rec8/fbxo47 axis in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides). General and Comparative Endocrinology. 2020, 292:113435(共同通讯)


  1. Cheng Peng#, Qing Wang#, Jiaxing Chen, Huirong Yang, Wenrui Zhang, Dengdong Wang, Shuisheng Li, Min Tao, Herong Shi, Haoran Lin, Huihong Zhao, Yong Zhang. Retinoic acid influences germ cells development and meiotic initiation in juvenile orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides.General and Comparative Endocrinology. 2020, 289:113379


  2. Cheng Peng, Qing Wang, Herong Shi, Jiaxing Chen, Shuisheng Li, Huihong Zhao, Haoran Lin, Jianchun Yang, Yong Zhang. Natural sex change in mature protogynous orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides): gonadal restructuring, sex hormone shifts and gene profiles. J Fish Biol. 2020;10.1111


  3. Qing Wang, Fangmei Lin, Qi He, Xiaochun Liu, Shiqiang Xiao, Leyun Zheng, Huirong Yang, Huihong Zhao. Assessment of the effects of bisphenol a on dopamine synthesis and blood vessels in the goldfish brain.International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019, 20: 6206


  4. Qing Wang,Min Yang, Chen Li, Shaowen Wang, Yuxin Wang, Fangmei Lin, Leyun Zheng, Yepin Yu, Qiwei Qin. Functional analysis of the CXCR1a gene response to SGIV viral infection in Grouper. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2019, 88: 217–224.


  5. Wang Qing, Yang Huirong, Yang Min, Yu Yepin, Yan Muting, Zhou Lei, Liu Xiaochun, Xiao Shiqiang, Yang Yan, Wang Yuxin, Zheng Leyun, Zhao HuiHong, Li Yuanyou. Toxic effects of bisphenol A on goldfish gonad development and the possible pathway of BPA disturbance in female and male fish reproduction. Chemosphere. 2019, 221: 235-245.


  1. Wang Qing, Wang Shaowen, Zhang Yong, YuYepin, Zhao Huihong, Yang Huirong, Zheng Leyun, Yang Min, Qin Qiwei.The CXC chemokines and CXC chemokine receptors in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) and their expression after Singapore grouper iridovirus infection. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 2019, 90: 10–20.


  2. Huang Minwei#, Wang Qing#, Chen jiaxing, Chen Huimin, Xiao Ling, Zhao Mi, Zhang Haifa, Li Shuisheng, Liu Yun, Zhang Yong, Lin Haoran. The co-administration of estradiol/17α-methyltestosterone leads to male fate in the protogynous orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides. Biology of Reproduction. 2019, 100(3):745-756.


  3. Wang Qing, Huang Minwei, Peng Cheng, Wang Xiang, Xiao Ling, Wang Dengdong, Chen Jiaxing , Zhao Huihong , Zhang Haifa, Li Shuisheng, Yang Huirong , Liu Yun , Lin Haoran,  Zhang Yong .MT-Feeding-Induced Impermanent Sex Reversal in the Orange-Spotted Grouper during Sex Differentiation.International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2018, 19: 2828


  4. Liu Y, Wang Q, Wang X, Meng Z, Liu Y, Li S, Zhang Y, Lin H. NKB/NK3 system negatively regulates the reproductive axis in sexually immature goldfish (Carassius auratus). Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2019, 281:126-136.


  5. Yang Min#, Wang Qing#, Wang Shaowen, Wang Yuxing, Zeng Qinglu, Qin Qiwei. Transcriptomics analysis reveals candidate genes and pathways for susceptibility or resistance to Singapore grouper iridovirus in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides). Developmental and Comparative Immunology 2019, 90: 70–79




  6. 一种检测与石斑鱼神经坏死病毒抗性相关的SNP位点基因型的试剂,专利号:ZL202011520753.7.王庆、秦启伟、杨敏、陈锦鹏、黄健玲、李鑫帅、郑乐云)。申请日期:2020.12.21,授权日期:2022.11.15


  7.  一种鉴别雄性鞍带石斑鱼的方法,专利号ZL 201510179104.8。(张勇、王庆、李水生、王翔、肖玲、彭诚、杨宇晴、张海发、林浩然)。申请日期:20150416,授权日期:20161111


  8. 一种小水体培育石斑鱼苗的方法,专利号:ZL 201310366324.2。(张勇、黄文、王翔、王庆、李水生、肖玲、杨宇晴、张海发、林浩然)申请日期:20130821,授权日期:20150311


  9. 一种预防石斑鱼苗种黑身病爆发的培育方法,专利号:ZL 201310681562.2(张勇、黄文、王翔、王庆、彭城、李水生、卢丹琪、刘晓春、林浩然)。申请日期:20131216,授权日期:20160817

4.一种培育石斑鱼苗的水质改良法,专利号:ZL 201710799079.2。(张勇、王庆、彭诚、陈嘉兴、李水生、刘云、张海发、林浩然)申请日期:20170907,授权日期:20200724

5. 一种控制光照培育石斑鱼苗种的方法,专利号:ZL 201610029137.9。(李水生,王翔,张勇,叶智锋,王庆,彭诚,陈嘉兴,张海发,林浩然)申请日期:20160105,授权日期:20180417

6. 一种人工活石骨架,专利号:ZL202021704681.7(赵会宏,陈杭洲,李廷光,王庆,杨慧荣,刘焯涛,高梓华,黄子军,李沐清,麦颖仪) 申请日期:20200814,授权日期:20210803

7. 一种石斑鱼卵大塘孵化装置,专利号:ZL202121203026.8。(高延飞,王庆,赵会宏,冯春元,孙佩银,王火洋)申请日期:20210531,授权日期:20211126

8. 一种鱼类采卵采精用装置,专利号:ZL202122112636.3。(王庆,秦启伟,杨敏,赵会宏,孙佩银,高延飞)申请日期:2021.9.2,授权日期:2022.4.1






  1. DB 4416/T 8—2021 工厂化小水体水产养殖配套设施要求


  2. DB 4416/T 9—2021 红螯鳌虾养殖技术规程