
















1、Gan, L., Liu, Y.-J., Tian, L.-X., Yang, H.-J., Yue, Y.-R., Chen, Y.-J., Liang, J.-J. and Liang, G.-Y. 2012, Effect of dietary protein reduction with lysine and methionnine supplementation on growth performance, body composition and total ammonia nitrogen excretion of juvenile grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella. Aquaculture Nutrition, 2012,18: 589–598.  

2、Gan, L., Liu, Y.-J., Tian, L.-X., Yue, Y.-R., Yang, H.-J., Liu, F.-J., Chen, Y.-J. and Liang, G.-Y. Effects of dissolved oxygen and dietary lysine levels on growth performance, feed conversion ratio and body composition of grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella. Aquaculture Nutrition. 2013,19(6):860-869.

3、Gan L.*, Liu Y-J.*, Tian L-X., Yue Y-R., Liu F-J., Yang H-J., Chen Y-J., Liang G-Y., 2014. Effects of processing method and dietary lysine levels on growth performance, feed conversion ratio and body composition of juvenile grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella , 11 pages. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh

4、Yuanyan Xiong, Junfeng Huang, Xiaoxia Li, Liliu Zhou, Fang Dong, Hui Ye, Lian Gan. Deep sequencing of the tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) liver transcriptome response to dietary protein to starch ratio. Aquaculture. 2014,433:299-306(通讯作者).

5、Zhou l l, Gan lian. Effect of reducing 3.2% dietary protein level on the growth performance and immunity of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with supplementation of multi amino acids. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 2015, 14(4):997-1009(通讯作者)

6、L. Gan*, L.-L. Zhou, X.-X. Li and Y.-R. Yue*. Dietary leucine requirement of Juvenile Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Aquaculture nutrition. 2016,22(5):1040-1046.

7、Lian Gan, Yuanyan Xiong, Fang Dong. Profiling kidney microRNAs from juvenile grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) after 56 days of oral exposure to decabromodiphenyl ethane. Journal of Environmental Sciences.2016,44:69-75.

8、L. Gan †,X.-X. Li †,S.-L. Wu. Effects of replacing soybean meal with faba bean meal on growth, feed utilization and antioxidant status of juvenile grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella. Aquaculture nutrition,2017,23(1):192-200.

9、Li, Xiaoxia; Zhou, Liliu; Mo, Huangyan; Pan, Qing; Gan, Lian.Interaction effects of dietary lipid and lysine on growth feed utilization and body composition of juvenile grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Aquaculture nutrition,2017,25(4):1591-1606(通讯作者).

10、Lian Gan, Xiao xia-Li, Guan-gjun Wang. Effects of different lipid sources on the growth performance and muscle fatty acid composition of juvenile Anguilla marmorata.The Israeli journal of aquaculture = Bamidgeh,2017.

11、Qing Han, Hong-bo Fan, Jin Peng, Li-liu Zhou, Lian Gan.Pleiotropic function of vitamin C on fatty acids in liver and muscle of juvenile grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Aquaculture, 2019, 512:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.734352. (通讯作者).

12、Qing Han, Hong-bo Fan, Jin Peng, Li-liu Zhou, Lian Gan.Ascorbic acid enhanced the growth performance, oxidative status, and resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila challenge of juvenile grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Aquaculture international, 2019: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10499-019-00440-z (通讯作者).

 13、Xiaoxia Li, Shijun Chen, Jijia Sun, Xiande Huang, Huijuan Tang, Yuhui He,Qing Pan, Lian Gan. Partial substitution of soybean meal with faba bean meal in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) diets, and the effects on muscle fatty acid composition, flesh quality, and expression of myogenic regulatory factors. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 2019, https://doi.org/10.1111/jwas.12671. (通讯作者)

 14、LianGan, Yan-zhiWang, Shi-junChen, Zhuo-hengLin, Ji-jiaSun, Yu-huiHe, Hui-juanTang, JinPeng, Hong-hongGuo. Identification and characterization of long non-coding RNAs in muscle sclerosis of grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idellus fed with faba bean meal. Aquaculture, 2020,516:734521. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.734521.

 15、Wei-HuaXu, Hong-HongGuo, Shi-JunChen, Yan-ZhiWang, Zhuo-HengLin, Xian-DeHuang, Hui-JuanTang, Yu-HuiHe, Ji-JiaSun, LianGan. Transcriptome analysis revealed changes of multiple genes involved in muscle hardness in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) fed with faba bean meal. Food chemistry,2020,  

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 1、王武,石张东,甘炼. 江黄颡鱼幼鱼最适蛋白质需求量的研究. 上海水产大学学报,2003,2:18-23  

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 3、甘炼,马旭洲, 张文博等.瓦氏黄颡鱼和黄颡鱼仔、稚、幼鱼生长的比较.华南农业大学学报.2008,29(3):71-74.  

 4、胡国成, 甘炼, 吴天送等.硫丹对斑马鱼的毒性效应.动物学杂志.2008,43(4):1-6  



 7、甘炼,郭邦勇,刘丽等. 池养条件下卵形鲳鲹仔、稚鱼生长与摄食特性.华南农业大学学报.2009,30(4):74-77.  

 8、甘炼,胡景梅. 卵型鲳鲹人工繁殖及苗种培育技术.中国水产,2008(6):60-61.  



 11、周李柳,朱少轩, 李小霞; 但学明; 刘丽; 潘庆; 李桂峰; 甘炼.太平洋双色鳗鲡肌肉营养成分分析与评价.广东农业科学.2014,41(12):105-109.(通讯作者)  


 13、甘炼,周李柳,李小霞等.花鳗鲡成鱼肌肉脂肪酸组成分析.水产科技情报.2014, 41(6):302-305.

 14、陈明海,唐汇娟,孙依依,甘炼,李富贵.丰产鲫精养池塘氮磷的动态与收支 .中农业大学学报,2015,02 :95-100.

 15、李小霞,陈锋,潘庆,王玲,冯田,甘炼,付京花,曹俊明.硒源对凡纳滨对虾生长、体组成和抗氧化能力的影响[J].水产科学. 2016, 35(3):199-203.

 16、李小霞,邱彬崇,柳碧薇,甘炼,潘庆.干啤酒糟替代饲料中豆粕对奥尼罗非鱼生长与生化指标的影响[J]. 中国水产科学,2016,23(2):406-416.


 18、韩倩,张丽娟,胡国成,于云江,甘炼,崔科,黄楚珊.十溴二苯乙烷对草鱼幼鱼肝脏和肌肉组织氧化应激效应的影响[J].生态毒理学报,2016, 11(2):680-686.

 19、王小娇,胡国成,张丽娟,李建柱,郭庶,刘芸,甘炼,崔科.重金属镉胁迫对尼罗罗非鱼抗氧化酶系统的影响[J]. 海洋环境科学, 2016, 35(5):647-651.


 1、参编全国高等农林院校“十一五”规划教材《鱼类增养殖学》,中国农业出版社.2008. ISBN:9787109121072



 1、甘炼 等.“一种双色鳗幼鳗阶段粉状配合饲料(ZL 201410460183.5)