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女,博士,教授,博士生导师。广东省现代产业技术体系(淡水鱼)病毒病防控岗位专家。研究方向:海洋鱼类病毒感染致病的细胞及分子机理。 近年来主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目、863课题、973子课题、国家重点研发计划项目子课题等;在本领域重要国际期刊上发表SCI收录研究论文40多篇;参与申请专利5件,其中授权专利3件;参与编写专著2部。



2015.05-2016.05     新加坡国立大学               访问学者

2014.12-至今        中国科学院南海海洋研究所    研究员

2009.10-2014.12     中国科学院南海海洋研究所    副研究员

2009.01-2009.10     中国科学院南海海洋研究所    助理研究员

2006.10-2009.01     中山大学                    博士后


2001.09-2006.07     中国科学院水生生物研究所水生生物学

1997.09-2001.07     河南师范大学淡水渔业


1863课题, 2014AA093507、海水养殖鱼类主要病毒和细菌性病原亚单位疫苗的研发、2014.1-2015.12195、在研、主持。

2.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 31372566、 石斑鱼泛素蛋白酶体系统对虹彩病毒SGIV感染复制的调节作用机制、2014.1-2017.1278万、在研、主持。




1. Yang   Y, Huang Y, Yu Y, Zhou S, Wang S, Yang M, Qin Q, Huang X*. Negative   regulation of the innate antiviral immune response by TRIM62 from orange   spotted grouper. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2016, 57:68-78. 

2. Yang Y, Huang Y, Yu Y, Yang M, Zhou S, Qin Q, Huang X*.RING domain is   essential for the antiviral activity of TRIM25 from orange spotted grouper.   Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2016, 55:304-14.

3. Wang W, Huang Y, Yu Y, Yang Y, Xu M, Chen X, Ni S, Qin Q, Huang X*. Fish   TRIM39 regulates cell cycle progression and exerts its antiviral function   against iridovirus and nodavirus. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2016,50:1-10.

4. Yu Y, Huang Y, Wei S, Li P, Zhou L, Ni S, Huang X**, Qin Q*.A tumour   necrosis factor receptor-like protein encoded by Singapore grouper iridovirus   modulates cell proliferation, apoptosis and viral replication.J Gen Virol.   2016,97(3):756-66.

5. Huang Y, Yu Y, Yang Y, Yang M, Zhou L, Huang X**, Qin Q*. Fish TRIM8   exerts antiviral roles through regulation of the proinflammatory factors and   interferon signaling. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2016, 54:435-44.

6. Huang Y, Yang M, Yu Y, Yang Y, Zhou L, Huang X**, Qin Q*. Grouper TRIM13   exerts negative regulation of antiviral immune response against nodavirus.   Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2016, 55:106-15.

7. Huang Y, Yu Y, Yang Y, Yang M, Zhou L, Huang X**, Qin Q*. Antiviral   function of grouper MDA5 against iridovirus and nodavirus. Fish Shellfish   Immunol. 2016,54:188-96. 

8. Yu Y, Huang Y, Yang Y, Wang S, Yang M, Huang X**, Qin Q*. Negative   regulation of the antiviral response by grouper LGP2 against fish viruses.   Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2016, 56:358-66.

9. Huang XH, Huang YH, Xu L, Wei SN, Ouyang ZL, Feng J, Qin QW.   Identification and characterizaiton of a novel lymphocystis disease virus   isolate from cultured grouper in China. J Fish Dis. 2015, 38(4):379-87.

10. Huang Y, Ouyang Z, Wang W, Yu Y, Li P, Zhou S, Wei S, Wei J, Huang X**,   Qin Q*. Antiviral role of grouper STING against iridovirus infection. Fish   Shellfish Immunol. 2015, 47(1):157-67.

11. Guo CY, Huang YH, Wei SN, Ouyang ZL, Yan Y, Huang XH**, Qin QW**.   Establishment of a new cell line from the heart of giant grouper, Epinephelus   lanceolatus (Bloch), and its application in toxicology and virus   susceptibility. J Fish Dis. 2015,38(2):175-86

12. Wei S, Huang Y, Huang X**, Qin Q*. Characterization of c-Jun from   orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides involved in SGIV infection. Fish   Shellfish Immunol. 2015, 43(1):230-40.

13. Huang X, Wang W, Huang Y, Xu L, Qin Q. Involvement of the PI3K and ERK   signaling pathways in largemouth bass virus-induced apoptosis and viral   replication. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2014,41(2):371-9.

14. Huang X, Huang Y, Yang Y, Wei S, Qin Q. Involvement of fish signal   transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) in SGIV replication and   virus induced paraptosis. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2014,41(2):308-16.

15. Wang S#, Huang X##, Huang Y, Hao X, Xu H, Cai M, Wang H, Qin Q.Entry of   a novel marine DNA virus, Singapore grouper iridovirus, into host cells   occurs via clathrin-mediated endocytosis and macropinocytosis in a   pH-dependent manner. J Virol. 2014,88(22):13047-63.

16. Fu J, Huang Y, Cai J, Wei S, Ouyang Z, Ye F, Huang X**, Qin Q*.   Identification and characterization of Rab7 from orange-spotted grouper,   Epinephelus coioides. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2014, 36(1):19-26.

17. Huang X, Huang Y, Cai J, Wei S, Ouyang Z, Qin Q. Molecular cloning,   expression and functional analysis of ISG15 in orange-spotted grouper,   Epinephelus coioides. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2013, 34(5):1094-102.

18. Huang X, Huang Y, Cai J, Wei S, Gao R, Qin Q. Identification and   characterization of a tumor necrosis factor receptor like protein encoded by   Singapore grouper iridovirus. Virus Res. 2013,26;178(2):340-8.

19. Huang X, Gong J, Huang Y, Ouyang Z, Wang S, Chen X, Qin Q.   Characterization of an envelope gene VP19 from Singapore grouper iridovirus.   Virology Journal. 2013, 10: 354.

20. Cai J, Huang Y, Wei S, Ouyang Z, Huang X**, Qin Q*. Characterization of   LPS-induced TNFα factor (LITAF) from orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus   coioides. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2013, 5(6):1858-66. 

21. Huang XH, Huang YH, Ouyang ZL, Qin QW. Establishment of a cell line   from the brain of grouper (Epinephelus akaara) for cytotoxicity testing and   virus pathogenesis. Aquaculture. 2011, 311:65-73

22. Huang X, Huang Y, Ouyang Z, Xu L, Yan Y, Cui H, Han X, Qin Q. Singapore   grouper iridovirus, a large DNA virus, induces nonapoptotic cell death by a   cell type dependent fashion and evokes ERK signaling. Apoptosis. 2011,   16(8):831-45.

23. Huang X, Huang Y, OuYang Z, Cai J, Yan Y, Qin Q. Roles of   stress-activated protein kinases in the replication of Singapore grouper   iridovirus and regulation of the inflammatory responses in grouper cells. J   Gen Virol. 2011, 92(Pt 6):1292-301.


参与编写 陈松林秦启伟主编《鱼类细胞培养理论与技术》,科学出版社,2011;汪建国主编《鱼病学》,中国农业出版社,2013.